Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Another great week underway!

We are in the midst of another great week in Unity.  Thanks to all of you who pitched in to recruit new students!  Our numbers are great!  In fact, we are nearly bursting at the seams... and that's a good thing!
Here are many of our students working on a Unity banner for the hallway!  We have many talented artists in our bunch!

More action shots of our creativity flowing!

Today was rec and we lucked out with a football game!

White House came out to scrimmage on the practice field with West.  Several students were interested in the game, so we walked across the street and enjoyed watching for a little while.

Eventually we all got too hot, but for a little while we enjoyed the fresh air and fun watching our team!

Parents, please make note that although progress reports were supposed to come home today, it didn't quite happen.  You can expect them tomorrow.  Please look them over and discuss your students grades with them.  If you notice an area of concern and need my help, please let me know!

We had a great Wednesday and I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow to end our Unity week with another great day!

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