Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bledsoe Creek, Here We Come!

Dear Parents,

We have been presented with an exciting opportunity yet again!  Bledsoe Creek State Park has extended an invitation for us to participate in the Junior Ranger Program!  For students that participated last year, don’t worry, they have a whole new program for this fall!  This is an opportunity for our students to travel to Bledsoe Creek State Park one day a week (every Tuesday) to learn from the park rangers and volunteers!  Last year we had a blast hiking, fishing, and wading in the creek.  I can hardly wait to see what they have in store for us this year!  The trip will take place every Tuesday from September 9 – October 30.  We will leave school around 3:30 and return at 6:00.  If you have a serious conflict with our plans, please see me as soon as possible so that we might make arrangements for your child if possible.  I will be posting a permission slip at the sign out table soon, so please be watching for that. 
Also, please scroll down to see posts from last year!  There are several from Bledsoe Creek State Park and our adventures with them back in the Spring!
Have a great Wednesday!
Meagan Hooper

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